Monday, August 21, 2006

Oh I just LOVE British humor. You know it's funny how Terrorists (whatever Theo-illogical Fundamentalist Corporate Right-Wing Fascist Republican group you belong to [U.S. or Middle Eastern] doesn't matter really) always seem to want to make their point by attacking civilian targets. Granted, our terrorist leaders are the ones who initially have to be the ones to blame for Main-Stream Media coined "Terrorists" or "International Terrorists" or "International Terrorism" etc. because it's the War Profiteering Mega-Corporations such as GE and Raytheon and Lockheed Martin (now absorbed by Raytheon of whom by the way, Lynn Cheney sits on the board of Directors thereof) and other manufacturers of WEAPONS of MASS DESTRUCTION to which trillions of dollars are reaped in as massive profits for an extremely tiny handful of very wealthy individuals (right Mr. Rumsfeld, Mr. & Mrs. Cheney, Ms. Rice, Mr. Powell, The Bush Family, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton, and so-on and so-forth?). So it is such a laughably simple conclusion to end up pointing the finger at Western Profiteers. Now Yin causes Yang, Yang causes Yin. You cannot have one without the other fore if you did you'd have Heaven on Earth. And the Fundamentalists (Write in whatever Man made religion you want in this space.______________________. Remember: And Man created God in his own image.) are what you would call VERY motivated people. They are people, aren't they? And then all these different men from...heck...wherever, claimed this and claimed that stating that their God told them to do this or that or to kill whomever for whatever reason because that way they thought that they could avoid blame for the hurt that they caused...OOPS! I mean the hurt that GOD caused. Why US God? Why does God want to hurt us so? Why have you done this to us oh Lord? If you want to fix a problem that you have, you must take action. You must also take responsibility for your actions. You must motivate yourself and maybe others will join you but to try and convince others to join your religion because you think it would save their soul, shit... WHY would you want to waste your time trying to save another persons soul? Who gives a shit about them anyway? They got here pretty much on their own except for the necessary help of their parents whom are only responsible for you until you are eighteen years old, after that, well you are responsible for yourself buddy! So get the hell out of my way! And if you just happen to see God while you are on your journey, give him a slap on the back for me and tell him "Hi" from me. (This by the way is the Colonial Imperialist, Fascist Republican in me talking.) What's in it for you? Well, if your a Catholic priest or a Religious leader of some other denomination, there are lots of perks to saving some poor slobs soul. Like for instance there was a certain Father ___ from St. _____ Catholic Church in Aspen who I most wholeheartedly believe was having sexual relations with my mother for oh, I don't know... a couple of years or so. Thank goodness Father ___ was a "normal" adult male. What could have happened to my brother and I if Father ___ weren't? Yeesh! Tenticles hanging from my anus, that's what! Geeerose! Oh, and I guess the bad memories also.

Anyway, back to the silliness of the human condition. I guess what I'm getting at is this; Why if you are angry at a Nation, wouldn't you do your very best to take out the leaders of said nation and also why not target the Corporate leaders and their families and their manufacturing plants? Yes, it's true you can blow up a bus and kill men, women and children our military does to your homes, villages, shops, restaurants, medicine factories, power plants, temples, mosques, churches and all other civilian infrustructure (which is against International Law of course) and which also means the murder of your people, but heck... genocide has always seemed to be the way to clear the path for Wetern Imperial Colonization and the facade of Democratic Rule. Ha, ha, ha, ho, ho, ho, hee, hee, hee, har, har, harrrrrr!!!!!

It cracks me up also because my part time employer told me today to no matter what, VOTE. Uh... I do vote and see where it got us anyway? Why... CAPITULATION is where it got us!!! Personally, I think the real reason WHY Al Gore capitualted as did Kerry (and so Goddamned quickly, too!!!) is because those guys know that at this point, they are targets for assassination by these Criminals who have been holding the United States hostage for the last few decades. I'm speaking of the Corporate leaders, their Lobbying organizations/law firms, the Extreme Right-Wing Fundamentalists and the completely corrupt political/governental system which we all now know is sucking our Federal Reserve completely dry via the above named CEO's and their nefarious dealings and connections. And around and around and around we go, where we stop...stop...uh...oh...uh...shit, we ain't gonna stop, and we all know that. That has been their plan for quite some time as George W. Bush's Crawford Ranch quite clearly emphasises by it's completely OFF-THE-GRID self contained infrastructure where it's obvious that these thieves are planning to rip everybody off then wait for the RATH of GOD to finish off everyone on the planet for all their terrible sins. You know, for like being poor and shit like that. Meanwhile, where do these assholes think they are going to spend the money that they stole? Their greed has been for the last several generations polluting our planet with Spent Uranium and noxious deadly chemicals. Go ahead, put in the most expensive water filtration system you can afford, let's see how well it neutralizes radioactivity. Yeah, you'll be safe for a while for sure. But for how long? Ten years? Fifty? Who knows? There are those on the outside of your electrified barbed wire fences who will infiltrate your humble abode eventually. And I'm sure that they will do more than just scratch your eyes out. So enjoy while you still can. Oh the RAPTURE!

I don't take my orders from God (as Dubya claims for himself, poor fool) because well... personally, I don't know God. I know, I know. How terrible for me, you Self-Proclaimed Christians must think, but seriously, don't worry about me. When I die, that's when I will either find out or not. And my belief system is personal anyway. I know that I've done all that religious manipulation crap in past lives anyway. And boy, sometimes I was a real stinker too! Heh, heh... karma. Oh well...

Do you know what my part time employer said today? He said that it didn't bother him at all that the government was tapping his/peoples telephones and internet activity because he said that he didn't have anything to hide. I don't have anyting to hide either, I would think. Except for the fact that I would like to talk about the crimes of the Bush Adminstration without their knowledge for the very fact that I may very well have to defend my family against those very people for the very crimes that they are getting away with as I type this. I should have the right to suggest things and opinions and try to make this a better country without having a bunch of zealous and God fearing fascists listening in on me. Who knows, I may have to blank one of them some day in order to protect my wife and children or myself. Wouldn't you? You know, possibly blank one them one day? It could happen. Oh heck, you'll see.